AI Shorts

Short introductions to some of our AI education resources.

Indigenous story teller and artist Isaac Murdoch speaks on AI ~ Are we Ready?

  • Is society “intelligent” enough to handle Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
  • Should Indigenous Knowledge Systems be put into AI?

See more:

AI Roots & Fruits

  • Where does AI come from?
  • What is its impact?
  • How does it fit in the curriculum?

Mathias Babin provides an overview of what exactly is Artificial Intelligence, how machines learn and how they actually see the world. Mathias is a PhD student at Western University studying Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence research. Produced and narrated by Jodie Williams.

  • What is a neural network?
  • How does it learn?
  • Where does it fit in the curriculum?

  • What mathematics is used in neural networks?
  • How does it help a neural network learn?
  • Where does it fit in the curriculum?